Tracy Myers

Myers produces editions of 12 or less prints using collagraph plates and techniques. Each print is a unique version of its siblings. Read more –>

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Tracy Myers BA – Printmaker

I work with other media – pastel and watercolour and occasionally mosaic tiles on pots – but mainly printmaking. Printmaking enables me to exploit my love of drawing and I like working with multiple images taken from a single plate. However, I produce very small editions, seldom more than 20 prints are taken from collagraph and drypoint plates, and each one is intentionally different. I also use etching and monoprint in my work – whatever seems appropriate for the end result.

Increasingly I am interested in mixing media, layering various textures and elements for specific effect. Felt-making, paper-making, clay and beach-finds are especially useful.

I produce editions of 12 or less prints using collagraph plates and techniques. Each print is a unique version of its siblings. My subjects are varied – from landscape to gardens, portraits to animals and birds. I am currently working on a large body of ideas inspired by recent trips to Iceland, old family photographs and seashore flotsam – sometimes merging it all together!
I am more interested in viewers of my work enjoying the finished results; only knowing that it has been a very lengthy, hands-on process. How I did it, with nuts and bolts descriptions of procedures, is (I think) boring, so I make no apology for leaving it out!

Hertfordshire College of Art and Design;  BA

Brighton: Studied photography and print-making

Style: figurative landscape